Montaser Abdelrahman, he/him - I am a First Generation ensemble member and avid believer in the power of youth. I’ve been part of the Performance Project community for nine years, joining as a core First Generation ensemble member in 2021. I am also a visual artist and plan to pursue art as a profession. I dedicate this performance to our splendid audiences. I hope to leave footprints that will make everyone’s heart flutter.
Sirena Charlette Marrero, she/her - I am a writer, mover, dancer, and theater artist, with seven enriching years with First Generation. As a multidisciplinary artist I engage cultural narratives to foster connection and healing. The transformative experience of creating "Stand Tall! Mi Gente" with First Generation ignited a deep passion in me to share my art with the world. My goal is to create connection, build community among young artists, and contribute to the art and activism that will inspire hope and bring light to the places that need it most across the globe.
Monisha Gurung, she/her - My family is from Bhutan and when they had to leave Bhutan, they went to Nepal, where I was born. On September 2016, when I was 11 years old, my family moved to America. I still miss Nepal, my homeland, because of all the good memories. In U.S I found First Generation where I found people that I could connect with. I want to dedicate our Mother Tongue performance to my mother, who taught me how to dance, whichalways helps me to remember who I am.
Namtangelwa “Julita” Hasani, she/her - I am originally from Tanzania and Congo, I moved to Springfield in 2016 when I was about 11 years old. I’m multilingual, and speak Kibembe, Swahili, and English. I became a core First Generation Ensemble member in 2021. First Gen is my second home, a place where I get to express my feelings and learn about other cultures, religions, and traditions. Also, a place where I get to be myself and I can say anything without being judged. My goal is to create performances and perform all around the world.
Moise Jackobo - I come from Tanzania and it was a hard moment when we left our country. Now, I live in Springfield. I would like to send love to my family for their patience and support. I dedicate this performance to us, First Generation, because we worked hard to create it.
Iliana “Lali” Quiles-Torres - I joined First Generation in the spring of 2021. In addition to being a core ensemble member, I also mentored in our Ubuntu Arts Community in Holyoke. I’ve lived in Springfield all my life. I love to draw, paint, and learn new things. I want to dedicate our performance to all the people I love and care about.
Selected Performances 2000-present
First Generation and Performance Project Ensembles
Bunker Hill Community College, Boston
Augusta Savage Gallery - New Africa House, UMASS
American International College
Hampshire College – 2015 Social Justice Institute, Fo n’ ale 2013, Ripple Effect 2011
Springfield College, 2013 (Cultural Connections) 2013 (fo n’ale), 2011 (Ripple Effect), 2006 (Walk With Me),
Holyoke Community College
Amherst College - Ko Festival of Performance 2010, 2014
Springfield Technical Community College
Bowker Auditorium UMASS
Westfield University
Mount Holyoke College
The Elms
Holyoke Community College
Trinity College, Hartford, CT
Holyoke High School
Commerce, Central, and Renaissance High Schools, Springfield
Lt. Clayre P. Sullivan School, Holyoke
Turners Falls High School
Northampton High School
Westfield Youth Service Center
Chestnut Academy
Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter School
Peck Middle School
Upward Bound
Rebecca M Johnson School
Brattleboro High School, Brattleboro, VT
Ashtar International Youth Theater Festival 2021, Palestine (virtual)
Revolutions International Theater Festival, Albuquerque, NM - 2005, 2014, 2017
Ko Festival of Performance, Amherst, MA - 2011, 2012, 2016
School of Contemporary Dance and Thought
Northampton Center for the Arts
Shea Theater, Greenfield, MA
City Stage, Springfield, MA
Academy of Music, Northampton, MA
Northampton Center For the Arts
Thornes APE 3rd Floor Performance Space, Northampton, MA
Regional Employment Board, Springfield, MA
Peace Corps Gathering in private home, Springfield, MA
2021 Online Great Labor Arts Exchange (Virtual)
NAMEN (North American Men Engage) Conference- “Intersectionality And Decolonization”
Evolve Without Borders: An Intergenerational Gathering of Global Theater Artists
6th International Digital Storytelling Conference, UMASS
Annual Healthy Men And Boys Summit, Holyoke Community College
Youth Leadership Forum “Healthy Men And Boys” Treehouse Community
Pa’Lante! A panel Presentation Celebrating Local Latina/o Activism- Amherst College
YES! Youth Conference, Basketball Hall of Fame
Mass Cultural Council Event, Wistariahurst Museum, Holyoke
Springfield Citywide Virtual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration
Communities That Care Presentation, Performance Selections and First Generation Panel, Greenfield Cable TV
Department of Youth Services Annual Showcase, Boston
The Care Center, Holyoke, MA
Chicopee TV Studio
New England Public Radio Springfield Grand Opening
Springfield Jazz and Roots Festival 2014, 2016
Flash Mob, Downtown Springfield 2014
Campaign Nonviolence 2014 - September 21st Street Performance, Springfield
Paul Robeson Social Justice Conference, Boston
Edwards Church Northampton
Unitarian Society, Amherst
Hampshire Jail and House Of Corrections
South Congregational Church
Amplify Youth Voices! An International Livestream Workshop, North America MenEngage (NAMEN)
2021 virtual NAMEN Round Table for International audience
Springfield College Dance Department
The Care Center, Holyoke, MA
Upward Bound, Northfield Mount Hermon (2x)
Youth Action Coalition, Amherst
Springfield Public Library
Our Place' Holyoke Shelter
Smith College
Hampshire College
University of New Mexico Theater Department
High Meadows Youth Facility, CT
Student Bridges of UMASS
Woolman Hill Quaker Center
Hope and Inspiration Performing Arts Festival, Roxbury Community College, Boston
WW Johnson Life Center Youth Program
Springfield Substance Abuse Forum
DYS Westfield Youth Detention Center
Gateway Regional Middle school
Franklin County Youth Action Corps
River Valley Academy, Holyoke, MA
Marlboro College (video, lecture, discussion)
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
California College of Arts & Crafts
Hampshire Jail and House Of Corrections
Nepali/Bhutanese Cultural Festivals #1 and #2