Mother Tongue is an original multilingual physical theater performance created by the Performance Project’s First Generation Ensemble. “Mother Tongue” is inspired by the experiences of the ensemble members, their families and communities who are from Congo/Tanzania, Bhutan/Nepal, South Sudan/Darfur, Holyoke, and Springfield, Massachusetts. 

The 90 minute performance weaves together movement, music, dance, and stories in Arabic, Swahili, Nepali, Spanish, and English. “Mother Tongue” incorporates themes of language, culture, identity, diaspora, hypermasculinity, transphobia, racism, the school to prison pipeline and revolution.

Appropriate for ages 12 and up

UMass Amherst
Saturday, September 28th at 7 pm
Bowker Auditorium in Stockbridge Hall on UMass campus

Free for all students!
Free for UMass staff and faculty!
Tickets can be purchased through the UMass Fine Arts box office.

Sponsored by UMass Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
with support from the FINE ARTS CENTER
UMass Bowker Flyer 2024
 First Generation ensemble is composed of seven members: Montaser Abdelrahman, Monisha Gurung, Julita Hasani, Moise Jakobo, Divin Kasereka, Charlétte Marrero, and Iliana “Lali” Quiles-Torres. The production team includes co-directors Julie Lichtenberg, Iyawna Burnett and Lesley Farlow, Lighting Designer Carlie Nieman, and Sound Design by Tyler Gorman and Tony Silva with original music by I-SHEA Shaikly. 
