The Performance Project brings people together to create theater and visual art through multi-generational collaborations. Our members participate in artistic training, inter-generational mentoring and leadership development. We claim a public voice, engage audiences in dialogue about oppression and liberation, and celebrate our humanity and connection through the arts.
We Value
- Art that engages people in dialogue about social justice and celebration of culture
- Art that expresses and celebrates our humanity and our interconnectedness
- Being a community of many languages
- Providing spaces for intergenerational and intercultural connection
- Developing life-long, caring relationships over multiple generations
- Access to quality educational and professional opportunities for our members
- Multi-faceted experiences, i.e. contact with professional artists, academic and international communities, community and cultural activists, adventures and time in nature
- Youth leadership, critical and independent thinking, and community engagement
- Coalition and movement building
- Achieving personal and collective excellence
- Work that aims to dismantle all forms of oppression